HAPPY 2011 !

guyss,happy 2011.omg I'm gonna miss 2010.to much memories.first,please pray for my SPM next year.to my beloved bestfriends,muhd amirul hakim,syamim al-yahya,ruwaidah muhamed yunos,ayesha fauzi,dina hudanen and syazwina azizi thanks for being my best buddy ever.you guys mean so much to me.2010,I've great classmates and teachers so please 2011,be nice to me.this is my final year,prove to me that I'm wrong,prove to me that I can be a better person.can you?people,I'm sorry for my mistakes.its just me.SPM?bring it onnn!

28 DECEMBER 2010 ♥

okay now lea dah officially dengan budak gemuk ni.actually ni after kitorang gaduh ehehe.gedikkan dia?saja nak buat muka comel tu :p.awak tahukan saya sayang awak gila-gila.tu lah saya dah cakap awak MANDREM kan saya kan tapi awak tak nak mengaku.ehehe.sekarang kan dah susah.macam mana ni?tak boleh nak lupa awak dah.bomoh mana awak jumpa ni sayang?terror gila bomoh tu -.- now kita lagi happy kan dengan relationship kita.sebab awak dah macam bestfriend saya.saya pun dah tak segan-segan dah nak kentut depan awak.awaklah ajar saya :p sayang,insyaAllah saya takkan sayang sape-sape except awak okay?hope you will do the same thing :)and one more thing,jaga lolipop yang saya bagi tu elok-elok tau.saya suruh awak makan,awak tak nak.-.- muhd amirul hakim,saya sayang awak sangat-sangat.


I miss the way things used to be. Those late night texts, incessant jokes and laughs, and good morning texts from you. I miss those hugs that made me feel that everything’s alright.If you really knew me, you would know that it kills me when I look at my phone and there are no texts or calls from you. You would know that I’m confused about how you feel but I really don’t think you love me anymore. You would know that if you want me in your life, you better act fast because I’m losing hope again.


yesterday was really awesome kan baby?eheh act lea jumpa my ex boyfie and still he's mine so back off :p sounds weird kan?ehehe ehheh.kenapa KACANG BOTOL?sebab lea dgn si hakim ni pg makan dekat food court alamanda tau lepas tgk movie.lea tanya lah dia nak makan apa,then dia ternampak makcik kat sebelah makan KACANG BOTOL.lepas tu boleh pulak dia cakap nak makan kacang botol tu kuat-kuat :|comel je dia.nasib baik makcik tu tak dengar.and guess what lea tak tahu pun KACANG BOTOL tu apa -.- balik rumah je lea GOOGLE la image kacang botol.rupanya kacang botol tu haram jadah kat bawah ni :)

awak ni comellah sayang.thanks tau temankan saya semalam.kita banyak merepekkan?ehehe.next week kita jumpa lagi okay?i have to say ths I LOVE YOU :)